



工作地點(diǎn) 吉林.長春(東北地區(qū))
所在行業(yè) 種子
招聘人數(shù) 1人
招聘方式 全職
月  薪 面議


工作經(jīng)驗(yàn) 3年以上
學(xué)歷要求 本科
年齡要求 40歲以下
外語要求 英語
崗位描述 Maize Breeding Research Associate 玉米育種助理
Location: Changchun Breeding Station 長春育種站及周邊地區(qū)
Report to: Maize Breeder
1. Assist maize breeding team leader to conduct our company’s maize breeding plan (nursery for creating inbred, production of experimental hybrids, network of trials, winter season work in Hainan). 協(xié)助育種專家執(zhí)行公司玉米育種計(jì)劃(培育自交系及雜交系、各種自交雜交試驗(yàn)、冬季在海南工作)
2. Help breeding team leader to set up new breeding station. 協(xié)助育種家建立新的育種站。
3. Help the daily management of the local breeding team and the breeding station. 協(xié)助育種家對(duì)育種團(tuán)隊(duì)及育種站的日常管理。
4. Under the guide of team leader conduct the breeding program in all aspects in respect with the company’s breeding strategy, volume and quality of work. 在育種家的指導(dǎo)下執(zhí)行公司的玉米育種計(jì)劃。
5. Help to manage and supervise breeding technicians technically. 協(xié)助管理與指導(dǎo)育種技術(shù)員。
應(yīng)聘要求 Requirements:
1. Master’s degree majored in agriculture, biotechnology, agronomy etc; 農(nóng)學(xué)、植物遺傳育種等專業(yè)碩士以上學(xué)歷。
2. With at least 1 years experiences in maize breeding. 應(yīng)具有一年以上玉米育種實(shí)踐經(jīng)驗(yàn)。
3. Have leadership, management and organizational skills, excellent R&D capabilities.具有一定的組織管理能力,良好的科研素養(yǎng)。
4. Good communication skills both in written and oral Chinese and English in order to be proactive interlocutory with our foreign experts.良好的中英文溝通能力。
5. Literate at computer Microsoft Word, Excel, PPT, etc.良好的計(jì)算機(jī)應(yīng)用能力。
6. Honest, reliable, willing to dedicate to maize breeding and a hard field worker. 誠實(shí)可信,有志于玉米育種事業(yè),樂于田間工作。
7. Willing to travel occasionally and must be able to work in Hainan province during winter.可以出差,愿意冬季(3個(gè)月)在海南工作。
8. Have driving license is a plus. 具有駕駛證優(yōu)先。
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