



工作地點 廣東(華南地區(qū))
所在行業(yè) 農(nóng)業(yè)綜合
招聘人數(shù) 1人
招聘方式 全職
月  薪 面議


工作經(jīng)驗 3年以上
學歷要求 大專
性別要求 不限
年齡要求 不限
外語要求 英語
崗位描述 Job Description
1.Responsible for the domestic sales of protein meal and/or oil and/or oilseeds 負責蛋白粕/油脂/油籽的國內(nèi)銷售
2.Assist department head to set up distribution channels and client basis in China. 協(xié)助部門主管建立分銷渠道和客戶基礎(chǔ)
3.Keep in touch with customers and buyers on daily basis and provide professional service to them actively and persistently. 負責與客戶和買家的日常聯(lián)絡,并提供積極持續(xù)的專業(yè)服務。
4.Go deep into the oilseeds complex business and keep an eye on the market changes and foresee problems 深入了解油籽產(chǎn)品業(yè)務,洞察市場變動,對可能出現(xiàn)的問題有預見性。
5.Assist department head to evaluate on buyers credibility 協(xié)助部門主管衡量客戶的信用度
6.Work on contract terms and contract execution, to follow up documentation and payments 負責合同的擬訂與執(zhí)行,并配合文件流程與客戶付款跟蹤
應聘要求 Requirements:
1.Minimum 2 years sales experience in selling oilseeds complex especially meal/oilseeds to traders/feed plants and/or crushers. 至少兩年油籽產(chǎn)品銷售業(yè)務經(jīng)驗(特別是豆粕/大豆/菜籽)
2.Should know the contractual terms and terminology of the business; 了解本行業(yè)的專用術(shù)語和合同條款
3.Language proficiency in English will be a plus 英文能力佳者優(yōu)先考慮
4.High integrity; energetic and ready to travel 正直,積極并能適應出差安排
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